Full course description
This course surveys medical terminology and clinical disorders commonly addressed through instruction in and practice of Tai chi/Qigong as an adjunctive or complementary therapeutic modality. Topics include arthritis and cardiopulmonary, neurologic, autoimmune, chronic fatigue, and other related disorders. Topic discussions conclude with considerations for Tai chi/Qigong practice, case studies, and evidence-base for practice. This course is new learning for individuals without training in medical, chiropractic, nursing and rehabilitative health care and serves as a clinical review for those with this training. Expanded content includes clinical Tai chi/Qigong applications with special consideration for safe practice for selected clinical populations. (10 hrs of instruction; recommended prerequisite or co-requisite: any Health and Wellness Tai Chi or Qigong Instructor certification) Cost $150
If you want more information on the course, please contact Joseph Baumgarden (baumgard@dyc.edu).